3 Ways Drone-based Progress Photography Helps Construction Companies
With drones proliferating the construction industry, one of the most common uses is for progress photography. Ultimately three trends in the industry are responsible for this.
For one, construction companies are looking to pick up profit margin and customer satisfaction. They do this by shortening the communication cycle. Secondly, Construction companies are looking to market their services to clients. This provides a way to connect with the growing number of younger, tech savvy buyers that want to see cutting edge tools like drone photography. Thirdly, drone progress photography increases accountability on the job sites. Accountability helps to reduce job site accidents and keep workers compensation low.
1. Drone Progress Photography Dominates the communication loop
There is a never ending cycle on a construction site called a communication loop. It looks a little something like this: First the client tells Management, then Management tells field crew. After being told what the plan is, the field crew executes. Finally the executive team oversees the operation. This ensures the quality, timeline, and company’s goals are being met every step of the way.
This loop is constantly at odds with the realities of construction sites. Loud machinery, complex tasks, slipping timelines, and changing scopes of work make staying on the same page difficult. This is where progress photography can help. Regular aerial photography on job sites allows management, field crews, the executive team, and clients to stay on the same page. A picture is worth 1000 words and we take a bunch of photos.
Progress Photography helps our clients communicate more efficiently. Ultimately this makes our clients more money and keeps their clients happy.

2. Aerial Progress photos help Construction companies Market
Specifically, aerial progress photos help construction companies market to younger audiences. This was not a large concern five years ago. Five years ago the average construction client could remember a time before the internet, digital photography, social media, and even before drones (say it isn’t so!)
Today, according to bizjournals.com, Millennials are set to spend a whopping 1.4 Trillion (with a big fat T) and are the largest segment in the workforce. According to the same article, the demographic relies heavily on online marketing and trust to make their purchases. Progress photography not only allows construction companies the opportunity to market to clients, but unlike companies that use only the beautiful finished product shots to market, progress shots build trust.
Photographs allow companies to show younger clients how their properties are being built and documents the process. Ultimately this avoids conflict down the road.

3. Drones - the ultimate CYA insurance
One of the most difficult tasks in running a large scale construction project is managing. People, materials, deliveries, schedules, weather… and let’s not forget those all are difficult enough before a change order! Progress photos come through in a big way for most of those challenges.
Are your men following OSHA guidelines in the field? Drones can help the office get a handle on it before fines start rolling in. Are materials onsite and being distributed on schedule according to their work zones? Drones can show you. Is building C ready for its primer coat? Drone Progress Photography can show you.
Not only can progress photography show you what is going on, but it also creates documentation to prove compliance and status of sites. When a client wants to know how their project is coming along, just show them!