How to choose a drone company for aerial photography in Naples FL
Whether you are a construction company looking for progress photography of an upcoming project or you are a realtor looking for aerial photography of a real estate listing, you have many options in the Naples area for your drone services. You can choose a local business, a family friend (or more realistically, their kid), or a drone provider database like
There are a number of benefits for each. However, the hardest part is knowing what to look for in when making your decision. With decades of aviation, construction, and real estate experience in our leadership, we are here to help make your search a touch easier.
1. Licensed Drone Pilots
This is a pretty straightforward tip. Make sure the pilot you are hiring has a license. The proper licensure is a Part 107 License. This license is very similar to other industry licenses. It does not say anything about the integrity or competency of the pilot. It simply means the individual is capable of getting a 70% on a written test.
2. Insured Drones
Look, I’m not saying it happens a lot, but drones definitely have a propensity to crash. Asking for proof of insurance is one of the smartest choices you can make when looking to hire a quality drone pilot.
Looking to take it a step further? Check into the company providing insurance. Most well established and serious drone companies will hold an annual policy from a UAS Insurance provider. An example of a well respected company is Transport Risk Management. Many individuals use pay per use policies that have strong indemnity clauses that preclude many operations. Also, a per use policy shows a lack of commitment to flying. You don’t want someone who isn’t committed working on your job, you want someone that cares!
3. A rich history of good drone photography
What is the best way to understand the product you are going to get? Ask for samples. At Professional Drone Solutions, we serve hundreds of clients across the entire state of Florida. Our projects all have a familiar look.
This is to keep it easy for our clients who want to know what they can expect. Just in the Naples area, we have hundreds of examples of our aerial photography. With photography being a creative endeavor, seeing what a company is capable of will help you communicate your vision better.

4. Rolling with the punches
Whether it is weather, airspace limitations, special requests, or deviations from our standard packages, our pilots are trained to make the most of whatever situation they are in. This is an important characteristic to look for when hiring drone pilots.
In Florida, weather can change in a snap. With drones, GPS signal can be iffy when getting tight shots. Nevertheless a quality drone pilot will still perform and deliver excellent results.
5. A good relationship with the aviation community
Aerial photography in Naples takes a good relationship with the general aviation community. At the very least, a respect for it. Naples Airport, known by the identifier KAPF, is a frequently used airport and creates another level of complexity to drone operations in the area. Not only that but the Collier County Sheriff’s SHADOW helicopter units and Mosquito control’s MD-560 love to fly low and slow over areas outside of airspace controlled by APF’s tower.
The safety of the community relies on good drone pilots paying attention to the sounds and indicators (like an ADS-B receiver or app that streams air traffic). This is definitely something we recommend people value when choosing an aerial photography company in the Naples, FL area.
Wrapping it up
These are just a handful of tips for the Naples area and many of them apply to hiring a drone pilot in any area in Florida. We have enjoyed serving the Naples Florida community for years. If you need any services whether it be photography, video, construction, marketing, or real estate related, feel free to contact us or check out our company’s drone based services.